Food! Glorious Food!

One quality Singapore has that we'd taken for granted and now are enjoying: Cleanliness! Yes, as previously mentioned, not only can you drink the tap water, you can eat salads! And have weird fruit drinks. With ice! So even though Rowan is not feeling well due to a chest cold that appeared shortly after the Bali Belly Bug was eradicated, our hungry, veggie-deprived duo has swung into full gastrointestinal overdrive to make up for the month in Bali. (Seriously, for anyone reading this blog, if you eat any fresh fruit or uncooked vegetables in Bali, you'll be sorry.)Two Asian Lobsters for Five Bucks? Yes! (Click for larger view.)Singapore is so clean that the little eating kitchens stuck everywhere you look, are all safe to eat at. When we first arrived, we were just plain hungry (after our hotel's awesome buffet breakfast wore off), so we went in search of the hawker stalls that serve up just about everything you can imagine. Ironically, Rowan did not imagine seeing the wonderful flathead lobster he discovered first in Brisbane, (thanks to Colin) then again up in Yeppoon. In Australia, these bugs were expensive, to the tune of US$25-35 for a meal of a couple of the little critters. Here, Rowan got two for US$5 plus noodles and veggies. The hawker stalls are definitely cheap!
Salads, Singapore StyleBut our engorgement did not stop there. While it took some venturing out, the next day we found a salad bar where Mrs I-Will-Kill-For-a-Caesar-Salad, had, appropriately enough, a big Caesar Salad. The Mr had some amalgamation of various veggies, and the killing spree was averted. Whew!
This all vegatarian restaurant was outside an entire arcade of vegetarian places.Rowan has been holed up in the hotel room nursing his low-grade fever and hacking cough, like Howard Hughes with drapes pulled shut watching Pink Panther reruns on the Singapore Cartoon Network. Fearing Rowan would be donning Kleenex boxes for slippers, today Shirl hurled him back into the Singaporean heat to eat at an amazing Japanese restaurant entirely vegetarian. They had everything that looked like sushi, chirashi, and even burgers, all completely veggie. The photo shows the menu, some of the food, and then this sports team either going to worship at a Hindu temple, or, a group of Hindus going to play sports. It just was not clear what they were doing but Singapore is at the intersection of many worlds and thankfully they all have good food here.
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