On the Way to Yowah: Part 2

Funny Story #1* On the way to Yowah Shirl discovered a massive amount of fraud on her credit card simply by using it once at a pharmacy in the aforementioned beach town of Coogee. People in Paris were having a grand time on her card. That's not the funny part, though. We had gotten a phone call earlier in the week from Chase fraud mentioning we could call them if we wanted.
In the Middle of Nowhere, On the Phone to Chase
Once she did actually check to discover the major party a select few Parisians were having, she called first from our caravan park then from this isolated phone booth. We're still sorting that one out! Great fun.
Funny Story #2 This started while still in Sydney, then continued on as we traveled to Yowah: Our homeowners insurance got canceled. It was, We might cancel you if the couple of repairs aren't made sometime in the future, then out of the clear blue it was, We've canceled you! Thankfully, our neighbors Jennifer and Mark came to the rescue, installed the all-important railing and painted the back side in time for us to be reinstated. Mark did all the hard work by climbing into our attic to get the paint (why does a house need to be painted to have the insurance reinstated, one might ask) and installed the railing, so thanks Mark!
Funny Story #3 Oh, so many things happened while going to Yowah. We ran out of propane. While normally this wouldn't be a big deal except that (A) we shouldn't have run out for weeks, not days; and, (B) we were in a caravan park that could've filled up the tank, no problem, but the valve was force-fitted onto the tank because the helpful folks at Traveler's Auto Barn thought it would be grand to just blow off filling the tank due to its difficulty in getting the value off, leaving us to get it repaired. Ha Ha! Auto Barn, you so crazy! Thankfully, the owner of the park had the right combination of tools and know-how to get the valve off and to fill the tank. Now we can have a cuppa (apparently, that's a cup of tea here) whenever we like!
* Funny for you; not us.
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