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More Istanbul Stuff

View of Old Istanbul (click photos for larger views).Oh, the tyranny of writing something creative. With a title like "More Istanbul Stuff" you just know we're fresh outta ideas. But fret not, for we have the photos, which bespeak thousands of creative yet nonlinear wordinesses. Above is a stylized version of a wide view of "Old Isty" (as we like to call the old town*) from the balcony of the restaurant at the Museum of Modern Art. Click here to view one that hasn't been decimated by Photoshop filters.

What really is amazing walking through the main meeting area of old town Istanbul after 8:30 PM is how everyone who isn't in full-body traction or deceased is breaking their fast together during Ramadan. It is really quite sweet and fun to see all the people picnicking together. (Note to all tourists: Make absolutely certain you are seated for dinner well before the Voice From The Mosque says, You can eat now! At least, that seems to be pretty much the translation based on our observations of the restaurant seating arrangements.)

But wait! Don't the cats break their fast as well? Of course they do, thanks to the insane cat people from California who managed to find actual cat food in a little store and lugged the 20 kilos all the way back to their hotel. Each night our nobel cat nuts go forth to the trash bins and vacant lots that are a few steps from our hotel to celebrate the evening's rituals with the furry ones.

Four views of the cats of Istanbul breaking their fast also. (Click for larger view.)

*Note from Mr Logic: That statement may contain little to no truth value.

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